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General Information Minecraft Ingame Name: MysticUnseen Age: 13 Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): EST Hours per weekdays and weekends do you play on Minetown Prison (Average): I can play about 3 hours every day. How long have you been in MineTown and the Prison: I have been playing for about a week. Have you ever been banned before? Why?: I have never been banned. Other Information Explain the concept of a Minecraft Prison Server: The idea is to break free. You break free by making money. You start in D and you buy your way to C, which costs 25,000 prisoner coins,B which cost 75,000 prisoner coins,A which cost 150,00 prisoner coins, once you get to A you need to make 300,000 prisoner coins. Once you make that much you buy your freedom. How are your PvP (Player versus Player) Skills?: I am very good a pvp. I play on many pvp servers. I play on the a walls server and Supercraft bros as much as I can. I use the circle strat when i pvp sometimes. I am a very good shot and a bow is one of my favorite weapons on minecraft. Have you spoken much on Minetown Teamspeak?: I have not but if I need to I will. Do you have Skype?: I do have skype it is MysticUnseen. I am always on skype. Skype is the best way to get in touch with me. Do you have any previous or current experience with Minecraft Administration or Prison Administration?: I have been Admins on many servers. I am trying to open up my own server with my friend. Why is it essential for Guards to control their emotions? If they don't control their emotions it could lead to the other players to have a bad experience for other payers. For example if a guard gets really mad he/she could go around and kill people to make him feel better. Which would lead to a bad experience. What makes you stand out above other users applying? I stand out because my pvp skills, and me wanting to help out with the server. I am very happy with how this server is run. What do you think you need to improve on? List your weaknesses here: I think I don't have any weakness. Prison staff contribute a lot of time and effort into working as a team. Why do you think that teamwork is essential for staff in an environment like MT Prison?:Team work is important because without it the server would be nothing. Teamwork is very important in everyday life. teamwork is everywhere it is at jobs. Why do you think you will make a good Officer/Sergeant on the Prison? Explain: I would be a good officer because I will enforce the rules and I am very good a pvp. I think that i will be a good officer because I can enforce rules pretty well. In real life I am respected by many people which makes me a good leader. I have just moved to a new school and I am making friends pretty quickly. I am friendly if you get to know me. Questionnaire 1) If a group of players were actively PVPing and you were the only guard online, what steps would you take? if I saw a group of players attacking each other I would attack them and break up the fight then I would kill everyone involved. I would make sure not to kill people that were watching. I would make sure i have the right people. Then if they run and safe zone i would ask for there weapon and if they dont give it i will jail them for safe zoning and for having contraband. 2) You see a death messages appear in chat of players killing other players, what do you do? I could do nothing because I did not see the fight. I ignore these messages because i did not see them fight. If I do not see the fight I cant do anything about it. 3) A player is running around intoxicated on drugs, what do you do? If I saw someone on drugs I would be surprised because they are not working. If it worked again I would kill them and state the reason why they were killed. If they were in a safe zone when they were on drugs i would jail them. If it was to happen multiple times I would jail them and then search them for contraband. 4) How often should you patrol the PVP areas? The Blocks you should patrol are Block D, Block C, Block B. You should never patrol Block A. Block D should be patrolled the most. Block C should be patrolled every once in a while. Block B should be patrolled very little. 5) When can you ask for a player to be searched so contrabands are removed? For example if a layer keeps hitting you with a sword then safe zoning and you have to jail them several times. I can jail them, then I would tell them that they are being searched for being jailed multiple times If they have any contraband on the m i take it the dispose of it. 6) What do you think is the most important rule to know about staff having staff kits? I think that there are two rules about kits that are very important. I think that staff should never give kits to regular players/ sell to regular players. The second rule is that only use kits when on duty. Never use kits when you are off duty. 7) If you kill players and they drop items, can you keep or give away the items? If you kill players and they have really good gear like Protect 4 Diamond armour, god apples, Fire 2 sword sharp 5 you can only keep the armour and the god apples. You can only keep those because those are not contraband. Even if the sword is the best sword tat you have ever seen you can't keep it. because it is contraband. You can't keep potions, bows, and drugs. <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby="8)">8)</object> Can staff be involved with bounties? What do you know about staff and bounties? Staff can participate in bounties. Staff can gather bounties from players. Staff can not have bounties placed on their head. Staff can use bounties to find out who is doing something wrong like pvping. 9) What can you do if you have a player getting in your way when you are getting contrabands from other players? If a player runs and takes the contraband when you are trying to get it you can kill them. If they safe zone you can ask for the contraband if they don't hand it over then you can jail them. 10) What should you do if you see a player selling drugs (sugar and cactus green) in chat? If you see a player selling drugs in chat you warn them that they can be muted for that. Then if they continue you mute them. After you mute them you give them the reason why they were muted. Which would be muted for selling contraband in chat. Additional information you would like to tell us?: Dont Drop The Soap!!!!
over 11 years ago